Monday, May 20, 2013

Temporary Remission?

So I woke up this morning and the back pain had returned :-( Not as severe, but enough to cause some irritability with the kids, a slight limp and pain when I put weight on the left leg again. I have been taking just the evening dose of the prescribed medication, but apparently that is not enough, or it was only a temporary alleviation of symptoms. I'm not sure which. I know I did nothing to aggravate it over the weekend as I was mostly laying around, and I was so ready to get back in the gym this week! The stubborn side of me says to give it a go anyway. My workouts never seemed to cause the pain, but the paranoid side of me wishes to point out there's a first time for everything...

Oh well, we'll see what happens. Fortunately the weather is too unpredictable with possible thunderstorms for me to run this evening, but we'll see what damage Zumba and Jillian Michaels can do...

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