Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Day 2

We're all up and dressed and lunches made and ready to go by 6:15am! We get to the bus stop by 6:22am. The letter said pickup would be 6:30am, so I head to the office to confirm and am told that the bus had left at 6:18. But that's ok, I have time to drive them to school, so I calmly ask where the next stop is so that in future I can just go straight there like last year. These ladies are less than helpful (this is nothing new, they have been this way for the 7 years my kids have been catching the bus there).

So I walk back to my car and see parents from last year have now pulled up so I let them know that we missed it and am told, oh no we didn't... So a discussion ensues during which the unhelpful ladies come out to let me know they were wrong and that the bus is on her way. She is now coming from Millbrook. <sigh of relief>. Pick up is now 6:45am for the school year, but Tuesday she arrives at 6:52am. Still, not a problem. The boys board and away I go to my office some 50 miles away. I don't want to discuss work. It was painful. But little did I know the evening was going to be worse...

So I was informed by Baby Girl that the school wouldn't accept the sports physical from the pediatrician as they hadn't checked one little box that says she was cleared to play. So in the morning I call the office, let them know tryouts are this week, could they just get that box checked if I fax it over? I'm told yes, just include the explanation on the cover sheet and they would hook me up. On the way home, I call to make sure that it is ready. I am told yes. So I drive the long way home to pick up the boys and swing by the Pediatricians on the way to pick up Baby Girl. The receptionists all look clueless when I explain and I'm told it will be 3-5 days. So I explain again , the urgency and am told it would be 15 minutes... Really? To check a box and stamp it with the signature? 10 minutes later I am on my way to the middle school, only a few minutes late.

Baby Girl is in a good mood, so we head home, stop to get gas for the mower and I head inside with the boys to get their homework started and dinner on the stove. It's spaghetti night.

Baby Girl comes back in. The gas tank is leaking. She can't mow the grass. Grrrrr. The neighbour takes a quick look and confirms my worst fear. I need a new mower. <sigh> At this point I bust open my favourite wine. It costs me $15 a bottle and is next to impossible to find over here, but seriously, that was how bad my day was... So as we sit eating dinner, me sipping on wine, I start to chill out. The kids are beat and fairly easy to cajole into bed. I haven't texted Firefighter since about 3pm, so I'm sure he's annoyed, but I'm just too tired to think, so I collapse onto my bed, click on the DVR and try to stay awake through at least one episode. It's 8:20. I had been texting with NonProfit. He's a new guy... we'll talk about him another day, but he's fairly easy to just shoot the breeze with, so we were chatting about subjects throughout the afternoon and into the evening, but around 8:25 Firefighter pops up with "Just checking on you?" I can tell he's annoyed. I had been posting on Instagram, and I know he checks on me, and I can tell by his next text. Anyway, NonProfit then calls me to talk properly (something Firefighter doesn't really do) so I'm not trying to text and talk on the same phone. My brain hurts. I hang up with NonProfit who can tell I'm tired, say good night to Firefighter and then crash. It's 9:15pm

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