Monday, July 8, 2013

Belated apologies to my mother...

So this weekend I learned why my mum used to freak out when I stayed out all night without letting her know where I was (even though most of the time she knew I was with my bf).

A neighbour had a cookout on Saturday for the holiday so along with my sister, daughter, Firefighter and H, we went to hang out for a bit. The heat was oppressive so we adjourned inside where H and Boo suggested we play "Ring of Fire" AKA "Circle of Death, a drinking card game. I knew this could only end badly and wasn't entirely sure Firefighter would join in, but he surprised me and was more interested in playing that than Bones (Dominoes is apparently too difficult to comprehend for some people once they've had a couple beverages, lol). So I had never played before Baby Girl joined us too... with Ginger Ale of course and H and Boo proceeded to explain the rules as we went. I don't know that you can declare anyone a winner, but Baby Girl and I were the only ones to leave the table in a sober state... Firefighter is very amusing and opens up from his usual quiet self after a couple of drinks and got so into the game he suggested a second round!

Two games were enough for me, so we went back outside and attempted to play volleyball, but too many little kids were trying to play so I sat back down. Anyway, long story short (and cutting out a humourous game of Never Have I Ever), Firefighter, H and I left around 10pm leaving strict instructions with Baby Girl to babysit her aunt (yes, that's right). Firefighter and I crashed after showering (Getting old when I'm in bed by 10:30 on a Saturday!). Around 1am I woke to find that they still hadn't returned home, so I called Baby Girl to find out where they were. Boo was apparently still running around acting a fool, so I said to do what she could to keep her out of trouble. I slept very little the rest of the night keeping one ear open for their return... Which never came.

At 8am, Firefighter and I got up for breakfast (at this point I'm annoyed that he was too drunk and tired to 'perform' the night before). The previous time he has slept over he made a quick exit the following morning, so I was surprised this time when he stayed for breakfast (I made omelets for the second time ever, these turned out pretty good), and then lunch. Progress? Maybe.

And the girls still aren't home. And on looking out the front door I see the outfit Boo had been wearing the last time I saw her... and her shoes... on the front porch. Lord have mercy!

So at 10am I call. Baby Girl is asleep, Boo answers her phone all chirpy and the like and not one bit aware of the concern I had gone through, even knowing she was across the street with neighbours who I trust with my children when I travel out of town. They bounce back to the house, stay long enough to change and then leave again. The neighbour's son is taking them to breakfast. <sigh> my mother is going to kill me....

Firefighter left just after lunch and the girls and I went to the mall and then the movies. All the while, my head was churning back over all the times I had done much the same when I was her age and it wasn't that I didn't consider telling my mum, it was that she didn't have a cell phone and always bitched if I woke her from sleeping.... Catch 22: I couldn't call for fear she'd be pissed, I couldn't NOT call for fear she'd be pissed, but in the days of modern technology, I really should remind my daughter that a text message will suffice to let me know where the Hell she is!! At least I won't wake up in a panic.

Oh and the clothes on the porch? Boo had decided to go for a midnight dip. In her bra and knickers...

Oh to be young again...

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